International film awards for the filmmaker from the Academy of Fine Arts in Katowice

fot. Akademia Sztuk Pięknych w Katowicach

The film ‘Such Miracles Happen’ by Barbara Rupik from the animation and computer games studio of the Academy of Fine Arts in Katowice has won four international awards in just a few weeks. 

The animation by the Katowice-based filmmaker won the Golden Dove DOK Leipzig – the main prize in the international animated short film competition in Leipzig – and Best Short Film at the Riga International Film Festival Award in Latvia. The film also received accolades at the BRNO16 festival in the Czech Republic and the English Leeds International Film Festival.

The film is a story about figures from roadside shrines that come to life, leave their pedestals and unhurriedly move ahead, all in the same direction. They do not even stop for a moment. People watch the phenomenon with growing concern. Only a little girl with a boneless body marvels at the procession of the unusual figures.

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