Jagiellonian University and the University of Lisbon to examine the similarities and differences between Poland and Portugal


Researchers from the Jagiellonian University in Krakow and the University of Lisbon will study the convergence and differences between the two countries on the example of Poland and Portugal: the citizenship of the European Union (EU), migration issues, populism and the rights of LGBT people. They received a grant of the National Academic Exchange Agency.

The project submitted by Dr Ewa Karamad from the Faculty of International and Political Studies at the Jagiellonian University is based on the assumption of some structural similarities between Poland and Portugal, such as the peripheral position in the EU, the role of Catholicism or relatively recent experience of authoritarian governments and significant differences as belonging to Central-Eastern or Southern Europe, the experience of colonialism and the nature of dictatorships in each country.

The project will be implemented in the form of seminars with the participation of Polish and Portuguese researchers.

Higher education