Jewish Open University starting summer semester


The Jewish Open University of the Yiddish Culture Center in Warsaw is inviting all people interested in Jewish history and culture for the summer semester of the 2019/2020 academic year. Its theme is “Jewish Eco-logies”. ŻUO has been already operating for 10 years and is open to everyone regardless of age and education. Classes are held under the auspices of the rector of the University of Warsaw. The program is starting on 26th  February. 

The leading topic of the summer semester of the Jewish Open University will be environmental issues. These issues will be analyzed from the perspective of Jewish studies, beginning with the interpretation of the Torah, through Jewish philosophy and mysticism in its aspects related to nature.

The Jewish Open University is an interdisciplinary course on Jewish culture, including lectures and workshops addressed to all people interested in Jewish history and culture and would like to deepen their knowledge in the field of philosophy, theater, literature and visual arts.

