Joint programme of the National Science Centre and the Polish-American Fulbright Commission

Fot. Wojtek Laski/East News

Fellows of the Fulbright Senior Award programme organised by the Polish-American Fulbright Commission will be able to continue their cooperation with scientists from the United States after returning to Poland, thanks to funding obtained from the National Science Centre (NCN). This is the result of an agreement between the two institutions.

‘We have created a joint programme thanks to which cooperation between scientists working in Poland and their colleagues working in the United States will be much easier’, says Dr Marcin Liana, Deputy Director of NCN.

The general agreement on cooperation assumes that NCN and the Fulbright Commission will create joint initiatives facilitating scientific research and international cooperation and will work towards internationalisation and promotion of Polish science. The first concrete outcome of the programme will be cooperation on the Fulbright Senior Award programme, for which the call for applications will begin on 8 February 2024.
