Katowice University of Economics scholar receives Springer Publisher Award


Tomasz Wachowicz, Prof. of the University of Economics in Katowice received the second prize of the Springer Publishing House for the best publication as part of the Group Decision and Negotiation conference in 2018 in Nanjing, China.

The publication deals with research errors and limitations when planning, organizing and analyzing the results of experimental research on bilateral negotiations, carried out in a multicultural context. The author draws attention to the necessity to take into account many factors determining the occurrence of cultural differences at various levels of generality, eg: national, organizational and group culture of student culture.

The awarded article: “Some Methodological Considerations for the Organization and Analysis of Inter- and Intra-cultural Negotiation Experiments” was created in co-authorship with Prof. Gregory Kersten from Concordia University Montreal and Dr Ewa Roszkowska from University of Bialystok.

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