Koszalin University of Technology provides a modern laboratory for students with disabilities 

Tomasz Kawka/East News

A training room for people with disabilities has been created at the Koszalin University of Technology. The equipment is currently being configured. This is the first of two such studios being built at the university. The first classes will take place later this month.

“The room has been equipped with state-of-the-art computers adapted to the needs of students with disabilities. Thanks to specialised software, students will be able to operate devices using gestures and dictate texts instead of typing them in, as well as control devices using their voice”, says Vice-Rector for Student Affairs, Tomasz Królikowski, Professor at the Koszalin University of Technology.

Funds for the creation of the laboratory come from a ministerial grant for tasks related to ensuring conditions for people with disabilities to participate fully in the process of admission to university, doctoral schools, university and doctoral school education or scientific activity.

Read more: https://tu.koszalin.pl/art/3156/powstaje-nowoczesna-pracownia-dla-studentow-z-niepelnosprawnoscia
