Koszalin University of Technology receives grant for a modern library


Koszalin University of Technology received 27 million PLN from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. The money will be spent on investments, including the building of a modern twenty-first-century mediatheca- library.

The library is to be constructed between the buildings at ul. Śniadecki and the Hall of Sports. There will be a place for a small conference center with technical facilities, the lecture hall and archive at the university, as well as a demonstratorium realizing the idea of the Foucault’s Pendulum through the social and scientific education. The building will be connected with the remaining university buildings via overhead corridors.

– One of the goals of reforming higher education is to implement the principle of sustainable development. We do not forget about universities located in smaller academic centers, extremely important for the future of regions – said Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Science and Higher Education Piotr Müller after the transfer of subsidies.

Higher education