Kraków to host Centre of Excellence in Artificial Intelligence

Steve Cho Kyewoong/Penta Press/Shutterstock/ Rex Features/East News

The National Science Centre and the National Centre for Research and Development have approved for funding in the ARTIQ competition the Centre of Excellence in Artificial Intelligence (CD AI), which will be established at the AGH University of Science and Technology (AGH) in Krakow. 

The leader of CD AI will be a researcher from India, Ayan Seal, who has been working as an assistant professor at The Institute of Information Technology, Design and Manufacturing in Jabalpur since 2014. In Krakow, she will conduct research on the integration of inference, learning, optimisation and interpretation to accelerate the commercialisation of next-generation intelligent software systems.

The CD AI leader was eligible to become an individual who has obtained a PhD degree up to eight years prior to the start date of the call, has international experience and a track record in artificial intelligence, including success in commercialisation and collaboration with business. In addition, the person must not have lived, worked, studied or managed a grant in Poland within two years before the closing date of the call for applications.

Research and development