Laboratory of Autonomous Mobile Robots opened at Silesian University of Technology

fot. Maciej Mutwil Politechnika Śląska

A Laboratory of Autonomous Mobile Robots has been opened at the Silesian University of Technology (PŚ), which has been created through cooperation with AIUT. It is a state-of-the-art unit where practical classes will be held with representatives of the company.

The laboratory has been equipped with two industrial autonomous vehicles and six workstations for testing the software with which these vehicles are equipped. In it, students can test solutions for the safety of autonomous vehicles and their propulsion, as well as those related to data collection and processing using the capabilities of artificial intelligence algorithms and modern communications.

“Here we have the latest technologies that are entering the industry. Thanks to this laboratory, students will have access to them at our premises and this will allow them to test different ways of using these technologies, their possible failures, and this in turn will allow them to gain the practical experience they need for their future work”, says Dr Anna Timofiejczuk, Professor of PŚ.


Technical sciences