Lazarski University in cooperation with LOT Polish Airlines to launch a new course Airline Management


The Lazarski University in Warsaw has signed an agreement with LOT Polish Airlines regarding a partnership for the implementation of the Airline Management specialization in Management.

The Airline Management program is a MA study organized by the Faculty of Economics and Management. It was created to adapt to the requirements and challenges of a changing industry. The course is aimed at people preparing to manage an airline industry, including new managers of aviation, specialists who are planning to become managers and also current managers who want to broaden their knowledge.

The cooperation with LOT Polish Airlines is aimed at: jointly conducting internships for students of the specialization; initiating and undertaking joint activities for the development of science; developing direct relations between science, research and teaching and practice; raising the quality of education of students in the specialization to a higher level and promoting the most talented students, enabling them to take part in recruitment conducted by LOT for managerial positions.

Higher education