Lodz University of Technology joins Q Cluster

Klaster Q

The Technical University of Lodz (Politechnika Łódzka) has joined Cluster Q, an association of 25 universities and companies developing the national potential of quantum technologies.  

The Q Cluster – Quantum Technologies Cluster is an organisation established in May 2022 to combine and utilise the knowledge, competences and resources available to private enterprises, scientific and research and development units, as well as institutions surrounding the high-tech sector. It aims to develop the national potential of the scientific and research community and companies in quantum technologies. 

‘We are very pleased to have joined this unique group of partners. It is a new opportunity for scientists and students of the Łódź University of Technology to develop cooperation with leading institutions and companies in this forward-looking research sector,’ said Prof. Paweł Strumiłło, Vice-Rector for Development of the Łódź University of Technology.  

The activities of Cluster Q are multi-faceted and include support for multi-centre research and development projects and the commercialisation of their results for the comprehensive development of the advanced quantum technology sector in Poland. 
