The call for applications for the 24th L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women and Science scholarship programme has been launched. Its aim is to promote women in science and support their research. Applications can be submitted until 5 May 2024.
“Our initiative is becoming more and more popular every year. Women want to be part of the science and want to talk about their successes. In the 23 years of the scholarship programme, we have already honoured 123 talented female researchers. Many of them are still developing their scientific careers – in Poland and abroad. Continuing to support women in the development of their scientific careers is particularly important now, in a dynamically changing reality”, says Professor Ewa Łojkowska, chairwoman of the Jury of the Polish part of L’Oréal-UNESCO Programme for Women and Science.
The project is addressed to female scientists conducting groundbreaking research in the life sciences. The scholarship is open to female researchers at any stage of their scientific career who will not have reached the following age limits in the year of payment of the award (2025): 26 years of age for female MSc students, 32 years of age for female PhD students, and 40 years of age for female postdoctoral researchers.
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