Lublin University of Technology purchased a tandem spectrometer

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A tandem mass spectrometer with a quadrupole and Q-TOF time-of-flight analyser is another piece of equipment purchased as part of the project ‘Research centre for pro-environmental and energy-efficient materials and technologies’ CeBMaT at the Lublin University of Technology (PL).

The purchased spectrometer allows tens of thousands of organic compounds to be identified or studied, even when they occur in complex mixtures and their concentration is at the ppb level, i.e. one molecule per billion. This is possible thanks to the use of two mechanisms for separating ions of substances in the samples under study”, says Prof. Małgorzata Pawłowska, Head of the Department of Conversion of Biomass and Waste into Biofuels, Faculty of Environmental Engineering, PL.

The aim of the CeBMaT project is to establish a research infrastructure. Its research scope will include areas of knowledge focused on energy, environmental engineering, materials engineering and opto- and mechatronic systems necessary to control technological processes.

Technical sciences