Lublin University of Technology researchers created a machine that gives ‘second life’ to waste

fot. Jakub Krzysiak SAF

In the Department of Polymer Technology and Processing of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at Lublin University of Technology (PL), a machine has been created to process plastics and produce new products from waste recycled polymeric materials. These are stronger, more flexible and can have properties similar to concrete or rubber.

As PL reports, the invention makes it possible to obtain new, original material compositions that are based on plastics, but contain a large amount of components derived from post-production waste. 

As a result, the obtained products have improved strength with respect to traditional plastic and, due to the type of additive – mineral filler or shredded plant parts – have interesting features and original properties, which can be similar to materials such as concrete, hard wood or rubber.

The researchers intend to interest industry in the device and encourage collaboration on more efficient management of difficult waste. 
