Łukasiewicz Institute of Non-ferrous Metals working on drug delivery technology for cancer cells

Sonam Bhatia/Spector Lab Cold Sp/Ferrari Press/ East News

Łukasiewicz – Institute of Non-ferrous Metals, in consortium with the University of Rzeszów and the University of Warsaw, is working on the project ‘Electrospun nanofibre-based senolytic nanoplatform delivering nutraceutical derivatives to remove chemotherapeutic-induced ageing breast cancer tumour cells’. 

The project proposes to develop a system to remove old cancer cells. During the course of the project, using a 2D in vitro model and a 3D model to culture breast cancer tumour cells, the team will obtain answers to a number of questions that will lead to new knowledge about drug delivery technologies for ageing cancer cells. 

The information gained will be useful for the pharmacological, chemical and cancer biological sciences. The project is funded by the National Science Centre under the competition ‘OPUS-22’, reports the Institute.

Read more: http://www.imn.gliwice.pl/articles/1193/lukasiewicz_-_imn_realizuje_nowy_projekt

Medicine and biotechnology