Łukasiewicz – Poznań Institute of Technology and Poznań University of Economics to cooperate

Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Poznaniu

Łukasiewicz – Poznań Institute of Technology and Poznań University of Economics (UEP) are joining efforts. They will cooperate in research, teaching and implementation activities. The two institutions have signed a cooperation agreement.

The university and the institute will cooperate in the following areas: research, teaching and implementation. They will, for example, jointly submit applications for Polish and European research projects, share equipment and laboratory facilities, and organise technical visits to each other’s premises.

Students from the UEP will be able to do their internships or complete their theses at Łukasiewicz – PIT, while doctoral students and graduates will be able to do paid internships or graduate traineeships, and employees of the Institute will be able to carry out, for example, habilitation proceedings at the UEP. 

Researchers from both units will jointly participate in conferences and scientific seminars and disseminate information about their scientific activities and achievements.

More: https://ue.poznan.pl/pl/aktualnosci,c16/aktualnosci,c15/lukasiewicz-pit-i-uep-rozpoczynaja-wspolprace,a108685.html  

Research and development