Researchers at the Łukasiewicz Centre for Environmental Engineering – Institute of Ceramics and Building Materials in Krakow have developed a fertiliser that is an ecological alternative to conventional fertilisers based on natural raw materials. BiOrgano-Mineral simultaneously allows waste producers to manage their waste in accordance with the latest national and EU guidelines.
The product was developed on the basis of a patent obtained in an earlier project. BiOrgano-Mineral is an organic-mineral fertiliser made from 100% waste, which improves soil properties.
The product has been tested in leachability and ecotoxicity tests. It meets the requirements for organic-mineral fertilisers and can be successfully used as a substitute for traditional fertilisers based on natural raw materials, whose prices are increasing drastically and access to them is limited. Cheaper fertiliser ingredients, substitutes for natural raw materials and continuous access to them guarantee a reliable and continuous supply.