Maritime University of Szczecin becomes the patron of “Ghost Operation”


The Maritime University of Szczecin is the patron of “Ghost Operation” – a project implemented by the MARE Foundation and the Biotherm brand with the aim to reduce the negative impact of ghost nets on the marine environment. 

Ghost nets are old, abandoned or lost fishing tools that continue to catch fish after sinking, thus endangering the marine ecosystem. Currently, it is estimated that ghost nets constitute approx. 46% of Great Pacific Garbage Patch.

The aim of the Spectrum OPERATION is to clean three selected wrecks lying on the bottom of the Baltic Sea from the nets and to monitor the wrecks for potential leakages of hazardous substances. The cleaning of wrecks – planned for June 2022 – is the first stage necessary to perform the operation of pumping fuel in the event of a potential leakage hazard.

