Master’s thesis by a graduate of architecture at the University of Zielona Góra in the final of the “Wood in Architecture” competition

fot. Uniwersytet Zielonogórski

The master’s thesis of Zbigniew Strenek, a graduate of the architecture faculty at the University of Zielona Góra, made it to the final of the nationwide “Wood in Architecture” competition for the best master’s thesis, in which the values of wood as a construction, building and finishing material are shown. The competition was organised by the Faculty of Architecture at the Bialystok University of Technology.

The thesis appreciated by the competition jury was ‘AFTER MINE – from WASTE to GREEN. Centre for Environmental and Nature Education in the post-mining area in Konin’. The diploma takes up the important subject of ecosystem restoration, a new way of managing ecologically degraded areas and restoring their natural function. 

The developed project demonstrates the potential, role and possibilities of wooden architecture and renewable energy sources in the context of achieving Sustainable Development Goals.

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Technical sciences