Mathematical educational game created at the University of Technology and Humanities in Bielsko-Biała


The University of Technology and Humanities in Bielsko-Biała will develop an educational game to facilitate the study of mathematics. The university has received funding under the “mPotega” grant program for the project addressed to primary school students from rural areas.

The aim of the project is to create a universal educational game, aimed at facilitating the study of mathematics for primary school pupils. The didactic help will be tested by fifth grade students from five primary schools from the Małopolskie and Śląskie Voivodships for 10 weeks.

The impact of innovation on students’ competences will be checked by a specially prepared mathematical skill test. The ending and summary of the project will take place at the Technical and Humanities Academy in December 2018. The event will be accompanied by additional attractions – the game Clever Maths tournament, lectures and mathematics workshops. The best players will receive valuable prizes.

Higher education