Medical University of Gdansk launched an Endoscopic Simulation Centre 

Gdański Uniwersytet Medyczny

The Centre for Endoscopic Simulation has been established at the Medical University of Gdańsk with the aim of providing postgraduate training for medical staff in the use of endoscopic techniques in diagnosis and therapy. 

The Centre for Endoscopic Simulation is multidisciplinary and at the current stage secures training in bronchoscopic techniques, lung ultrasound, minimally invasive techniques in gynaecology and obstetrics. In addition, it serves to standardise the specialisation training process simultaneously in a number of specialties”.

The new unit is one of the elements of the Network of Endoscopic Simulation Centres. The aim is to improve the quality and safety of the process of specialisation training of doctors using endoscopic simulation techniques, as well as its standardisation within the network. The laboratory is equipped with 8 simulators for virtual simulation. 

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Medicine and biotechnology