Medical University of Silesia to develop Polish standards for MS diagnostics


The Medical University of Silesia and the Independent Public Clinical Hospital No. 1 in Zabrze will implement the project “Evaluation of the effectiveness of the innovative model of the first comprehensive MS patient center in Poland.” The project will be financed by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.

The aim of the project is to develop Polish standards for MS diagnostics including the diagnosis of differentiating demyelinating diseases and standards of care for a patient with multiple sclerosis in Poland in the conditions of a comprehensive diagnostic and therapeutic center. Optimization of the diagnostic and therapeutic process will enable comprehensive specialist care and will improve long-term monitoring of patients and will give the possibility to treat more patients.

The project also assumes the introduction of an innovative method of remote interactive rehabilitation and the implementation of a mobile application created for patients with MS, which will be helpful in the process of treatment and self-control.

Medicine and biotechnology