Medical University of Wroclaw to will investigate the effectiveness of cannabis against cancer


Dr Helena Moreira from the Chair and Department of Fundamentals of Medical Sciences of the Medical University of Wroclaw will carry out the project “Assessment of the activity of terpenes present in cannabis against cancerous stem cells of colorectal cancer”. She obtained a research grant in the Miniatura 5 competition of the National Science Center.

The aim of the project is to assess the anti-cancer efficacy of two cannabis terpenes: borneol and guaiol, in colorectal cancer of various degrees of malignancy. The results will form the basis for further research, in collaboration with the French research group at the Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien, Université de Strasbourg.

Cancer stem cells (NKM) play a key role in colorectal cancer. The research will help to establish an effective therapeutic strategy targeting NKM of neoplasms of various degrees of malignancy. This strategy should balance the side effects associated with a high dose of cytostatics and enhance its action, minimizing drug resistance.


Medicine and biotechnology