Meeting of Polish students with representatives of the world’s most important space agencies

fot. kosmosnews

The Ministry of Education and Science is inviting students interested in space research to participate in a Warsaw meeting with representatives of the world’s most important space agencies. 

From 12 to 14 December this year, Poland will host representatives of the world’s largest space agencies, who are taking part in a meeting of the International Space Life Science Working Group (ISLSWG). 

The European Space Agency (ESA) is one of the members of this group. Poland is a member of the ESA and is increasingly contributing to its activities.

Traditionally, ISLSWG members will meet with students of the host country after their deliberations. Speakers at the event will include representatives from ESA and the US NASA.

The event will take place on 14 December 2023 at 14.00 in the building of the Ministry of Education and Science in Warsaw at 20 Hoża Street.
