Minister of Education and Science presented the medals “Meritorious for Polish Science Sapientia et Veritas” 

fot. MEiN

The gold, silver and bronze medals “Meritorious for Polish Science Sapientia et Veritas” are awarded for special merits to higher education and science, including for outstanding achievements in scientific, teaching or organisational activities.

“It was the custom for many years to also award the Medal of the Commission of National Education to scientists. The medal of the Commission of National Education is indeed a great value and it remains and will always be presented. We felt it was necessary to establish something that would really highlight special merits for Polish science. That is why the medal ‘Sapientia et Veritas’, wisdom and truth, was established. Because, in fact, that is what science is all about. It is about seeking the truth. If science were to be something that does not lead to truth, or hinders the discovery of truth, then it will not be any science”, said Minister of Education and Science Przemysław Czarnek at the ceremony.

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