Minister of Education and Science talks to … a robotic Copernicus 

Ministerstwo Edukacji i Nauki

A robot resembling Nicolaus Copernicus has appeared at the Copernicus Science Centre in Toruń. Thanks to Artificial Intelligence, the robot can talk about anything. Copernicus was interviewed by the Minister of Education and Science, Przemysław Czarnek, who is participating in the First World Copernican Congress.

The head of the Ministry of Education and Science addressed the topic of “Get to know Poland”, one of the ministerial projects enabling pupils to get to know places and events important for national memory and identity, including issues related to Copernicus. 

“Do you think, Nicolaus, that children should go, for example, to Frombork and visit places associated with your work”, asked the Minister.

“Yes, I think children should learn about their history by visiting places connected with my activities. This would certainly contribute to increasing their knowledge of science and its impact on the history of our country”, answered the astronomer. He also greeted Nobel laureates, researchers, experts and all the guests of the Congress. 


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