Ministry of Science increases the amount of subsidies for institutes of the Polish Academy of Sciences


At the request of Prof. Jerzy Duszyński, the president of the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN), the Ministry of Education and Science (MEiN) increased the amount of subsidy for the maintenance and development of research potential, granted for 2021. It was increased by nearly PLN 17 million. More funds will be given to 18 institutes of the Polish Academy of Sciences that found themselves in a difficult financial situation.

Additionally, PLN 2 million will be awarded to the Institute of Archeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences. 1.8 million PLN will be received by the Tadeusz Manteuffel Institute of History of the Polish Academy of Sciences, over PLN 1.5 million will be allocated to the Institute of Economic Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences, and the Institute of Political Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences will receive over PLN 1.2 million.

Increases in the amount of subsidies for the maintenance and development of research potential were granted to scientific institutes of the Polish Academy of Sciences, which, according to the information obtained from the President of the Polish Academy of Sciences, require support in order to improve their financial condition to the extent necessary for the uninterrupted performance of statutory activities and implementation of corrective measures in the areas indicated by the Board of Probation Officers of Polish Departments of the Academy of Sciences, in order to properly prepare for the evaluation of the quality of scientific activity in 2022.
