Ministry of science supports construction of SAXS research line

Jan Graczynski/East News

As part of investments related to the development of scientific infrastructure, the Ministry of Education and Science has allocated funds for the construction of a small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) research line, which will be built in the new hall of the SOLARIS National Synchrotron Radiation Centre in Krakow. 

The first scientists will be able to use it in the second half of 2026. The value of the SAXS research line is PLN 35 million.

It will be the first apparatus in Poland and Central and Eastern Europe dedicated to the study of biological molecules, polymers and their composites, surfactants, drug carriers, nanomaterials and new functional materials.

According to NCPS SOLARIS, research conducted on the SAXS line will find applications in biological sciences, medicine (drug design), chemistry and material sciences. The terminal station will enable analyses of the structure of proteins, viruses, nucleic acids and polymers. This research will provide knowledge about the molecular basis of the functioning of living organisms and the architecture of macromolecules.

Research and development