More than 100 urological operations performed using the da Vinci robot at the University Clinical Hospital in Wrocław

fot Tomasz Król Uniwersytecki Szpital Kliniczny we Wrocławiu

More than 100 robotic urological operations have already been performed at the University Clinical Hospital in Wrocław. The da Vinci robotic system, which is currently the most technologically advanced, is used for prostate cancer surgery. Later this year, colorectal cancer surgeries will begin in quality, ensuring unprecedented precision and safety for the patient. 

The doctor-operators emphasise the advantages of the great precision, but also the delicacy of working with the robot. They also point out the significantly larger and better field of view, which is presented in three dimensions at 16x magnification. Patients operated on using this technology can already leave the hospital and go home within 48-72 hours of the procedure.

“One hundred operations in just a few months shows that we operate a lot, and we want to operate even more for the benefit of our patients”, says Professor Tomasz Szydełko, director of the University Urology Centre.

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Medicine and biotechnology