The Botanical Garden of Wrocław University has been enriched with more than 70 new species of succulent, tropical, aquatic and ground plants. Many of these are protected plants from natural sites. They cannot be bought, either in a shop or in a plant nursery.
The Botanical Garden will host an unusual plant, Amborella trichopoda, which currently grows only on the island of New Caledonia. Amborella is one of the oldest developmental lineages of angiosperms (flowering plants) and is the only representative of the genus in the world. It is distinguished by the absence of vessels in the vascular bundle of the vascular bundle, which is its original feature.
Amborella can be called the ‘missing link’ in the plant world. It can provide information on how angiosperms evolved from angiosperms. The plant is a gift from the Bonn Botanical Garden. Now the staff of the Botanical Garden have the difficult task of rooting the plant and creating good conditions for its growth.
Read more: https://uni.wroc.pl/nowe-gatunki-roslin-w-ogrodzie-botanicznym/