National Center for Research and Development offers support under the second round of the Fast Track “Coronavirus” competition


PLN 81 million of European Funds was awarded by the National Center for Research and Development (NCBR) to positively evaluated applications submitted in the second round of the Fast Track “Coronaviruses” competition.

The National Center for Research and Development informs, that the applications for the third and last round of the competition can be sent until December 31, 2020. So far, a total of PLN 150 million has been awarded for the implementation of 25 projects.

The “Coronavirus” Fast Track focuses on countering the spread of viruses, with particular emphasis on the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus pandemic. NCBR is looking for projects developed by Polish entrepreneurs and scientists working on diagnostics, treatment and prevention of virus diseases.

Projects submitted for funding in the Fast Track “Coronavirus” competition may include industrial research, experimental development works and pre-implementation works. The only obligatory element are experimental development works.

Medicine and biotechnology Research and development