National Center Research and Development under _ Cofund ERA-MIN3 Joint Call 2021 awarded subsidy for SCANDERE project (Scaling up a circular economy business model by new design, leaner remanufacturing, and automated Material recycling technologies). The manager after side Polish consortium is Dr Eng . Paulina Golińska-Dawson, the Poznań University of Technology.
The aim of the SCANDERE project is to transform traditional value chains for critical raw materials in the European Union into more resource-efficient and circular systems. Elektrorecykling SA is a partner of the Poznań university in the Polish consortium.
As part of the project, research supporting the transition from traditional recycling, which is currently dominant for used electrical products, to remanufacturing, which is crucial for increasing the added value.
More: https://www.put.poznan.pl/artykul/doffinansowanie-ncbr-dla-scandere