National Science Center completed the third PRELUDIUM BIS competition


The National Science Center has announced the third competition PRELUDIUM BIS addressed to institutions running doctoral schools.

In the third competition, 228 scientists applied for funding. Grants with a total value of over PLN 55 million will be awarded to 97 applicants. The funds may be used by for research, doctoral scholarships and remuneration for the promoter.

The aim of PRELUDIUM BIS is to support the education of doctoral students and doctoral students and to finance research projects carried out by them as part of the doctoral dissertations they are preparing. The competition also supports the international mobility of PhD students and PhD students who are required to complete a foreign research internship, financed by the National Agency for Academic Exchange. The research team in this competition consists of only two people – the promoter, who is the project manager, and the doctoral student.


Higher education