National Science Center to hold Solar-Driven Chemistry Call 2021


The National Science Center (NCN), in cooperation with the Solar-Driven Chemistry network, is inviting Polish research teams to send applications for funding international research projects under the new Solar-Driven Chemistry Call 2021.

Solar-Driven Chemistry is a collaborative network of European research funding agencies established in 2018 on the initiative of the German agency Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG). It announces international calls for research projects in photochemical processes. The subject of the current call includes issues related to the photochemical transformation of small particles (e.g. water, carbon dioxide, nitrogen) into more complex systems under the influence of sunlight.

Funding may be received by international consortia consisting of at least two research teams from at least two countries participating in the call: Finland, France, Germany, Poland, Switzerland or Turkey.

The amount of funds allocated by the National Science Center for the implementation of Polish research teams in the call is PLN 500,000. EUR.
