National Science Center to support young scientists with almost PLN 54.5 million


The National Science Center (NCN) will finance 159 scholarships for students, 50 projects carried out by scientists up to three years after the PhD studies and five internships in foreign research teams for people applying for grants from the European Research Council (ERC).

The National Science Center will allocate nearly 54.5 million PLN for scholarships, projects and internships for young scientists under the Etiuda 7, Sonatina 3 and Uwertura 3 competitions.

Young scholars by both age and career criteria are the most active group in terms of the number of submitted and qualified applications. That is why we want the grant the offer taking into account their needs and expectations – says Prof. Zbigniew Błocki, director of NCN. – An important component of competitions addressed to young researchers is internship at a foreign research center, which gives the opportunity to work in international research teams and gain experience, and then transfer it to the native soil – added NCN director.

Higher education Research and development