New chapter in the cooperation between Wrocław University of Science and Technology and Military Communication Works No. 2 S.A.

fot. Politechnika Wrocławska

Wrocław University of Science and Technology is strengthening its cooperation with Military Communication Works No. 2 S.A. (WZŁ-2 S.A.) in Czernica. The main objectives of the signed agreement are joint R&D and production projects in the areas of communications, electronics and programming, student internships and training for employees.

The partners announce cooperation in consulting, design and R&D services, organisation of student internships and apprenticeships at the WZŁ headquarters, joint meetings, conferences, workshops, presentations, demonstrations and specialised training for employees. The agreement has been signed for an indefinite period, the university reports.

WZŁ-2 S.A. is a company that has been operating for more than 50 years and is now a part – owned by the State Treasury – of the Polish Armament Group. It specialises in the design, integration, production, overhaul and modernisation of communications equipment. It also provides mechanical and electronic services.

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