The Faculty of Environmental Engineering at Wrocław University of Science and Technology will receive new laboratory equipment – a fluidised bed scrubber – which will enable the development of research into gas purification technologies. This is the result of cooperation with Instal Warszawa S.A.
A scrubber (also known as an absorber or scrubber) is a device that is used to absorb certain components of a gaseous mixture by a liquid. It can be used for gas purification and for capturing certain components from gas mixtures.
The scrubber developed by the Warsaw-based company can be used, among other things, to reduce odour emissions in pumping stations, wastewater treatment plants, as well as in various industries, such as the food, chemical and paper industries.
Research into the development of gas purification technologies has been conducted at the Wrocław university for many years. The new installation will help further scientific and didactic development.
Read more: https://pwr.edu.pl/uczelnia/aktualnosci/nowa-instalacja-badawcza-powstanie-na-w7-12826.html