New York hosts Fair of Polish Universities 


The Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in New York hosted a Polish HEIs Fair, which presented the offer of studying in Poland at universities and medical colleges.

“We are very pleased that the best Polish universities wished to take part in this meeting and present their offer to Polish young people in the United States. We believe that thanks to this we can show the high level of Polish science and higher education, but also that Poland is a country of great opportunities,” said Stanislaw Starnawski, the Polish Vice-Secretary of State, at the opening of the event.

Participants in the fair included: Medical University of Poznan, Medical University of Wroclaw, Agricultural University of Krakow, Jagiellonian University, Warsaw University, Collegium Civitas, Warsaw Medical University, Academy of Humanities and Economics in Lodz, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan (UAM). The universities prepared full information on the courses and scholarships on offer. 

University applicants could find out what documents are required to apply, what the conditions of studying on campus are and what scholarships are offered by each university.

Higher education