Observations of the shape of the Earth and melting glaciers become more precisely thanks to Wrocław scientists


The latest discovery of scientists from the University of Life Sciences in Wrocław proves that the current approach to correcting errors resulting from the delay of the laser beam in the atmosphere was flawed. Therefore, they have proposed a completely new solution, making the observations of the shape of the Earth, melting glaciers and changes in the level of ocean waters to be more accurate.

Laser measurements are based on recording the time difference between the moment a laser pulse is sent at the station and the time when the same pulse returns after being reflected by a retroreflector on a satellite or the moon. During the measurement, the laser beam passes through the Earth’s atmosphere twice, where it is deflected and delayed.

The method of Wrocław researchers takes into account the thickness of the layers of the atmosphere passed by the laser beam. This allows for effective elimination of 75 to 90 percent systematic errors in laser measurements resulting from atmospheric delay errors.

More: https://upwr.edu.pl/aktualnosci/laserowe-pomiary-odleglosci-do-satelitow-i-ksiezyca-beda-dokladszym-3619.html
