Opole University of Technology researchers to improve district heating systems in four countries

Marcin Rutkiewicz/REPORTER

Researchers from the Opole University of Technology will improve the efficiency of district heating systems of companies in Poland Croatia, Romania and Lithuania. A consortium with Opole-based researchers won an EU competition and won more than €1.5 million for the research.

The aim of the projects was to develop ten-year investment plans for specific facilities, enabling the transformation of traditional high-temperature district heating systems into efficient systems, in accordance with the EU EED Directive. This directive introduces milestones that make the requirements more and more demanding. These lead to a change in the fuel mix, i.e. replacing coal with waste heat or renewable energy.

The result of three years of work and analysis will be the development of concrete technical and investment plans, but also having universal solutions, which will form the basis for companies to implement the methods and thus apply for funding for so-called hard projects, i.e. modernisation.

Read more: https://wu.po.opole.pl/nasi-naukowcy-poprawia-prace-systemow-cieplowniczych-w-czterech-krajach/

Modern economy