Opole University of Technology sets up an economic council

Politechnika Opolska

An Economic Council has been established at the Opole University of Technology’s Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. This is another activity aimed at strengthening cooperation between science and business.

“We have invited companies with which our university has cooperated for years to cooperate within the Economic Council of our faculty. We want to strengthen this cooperation, we want the council to be a forum for exchanging ideas and cooperation between science and business. We want to get to know better the expectations and needs of entrepreneurs with respect to our students and graduates”, says Prof. Grzegorz Robak, Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the Opole University. 

The first meeting of the newly established body, whose task is also to support and promote cooperation between the faculty and the socio-economic environment, especially in terms of its development, teaching and research activities, has already taken place.  

Read more: https://wu.po.opole.pl/na-wydziale-mechanicznym-powolano-rade-gospodarcza/ 

Modern economy