Opole University of Technology to evaluate the effectiveness of hospital rehabilitation in VR after coronavirus



Project of three scientists from the Opole University of Technology will receive over 200,000 PLN from the National Agency for Academic Exchange. Researchers will evaluate the effectiveness of inpatient pulmonary rehabilitation conducted in virtual reality (VR) for patients after coronavirus disease.

The project “Implementation of an innovative hospital pulmonary rehabilitation based on virtual reality for post-COVID-19 patients” received funding under the Intervention Grants program. The aim of the program is to support international cooperation of research teams or international mobility of scientists in response to sudden, important, unforeseen social, civilization and natural phenomena with global or regionally significant consequences.

The project will last 12 months and will be implemented in cooperation with the Italian Institute of Intelligent Industrial Technologies and Systems for Advanced Manufacturing of the National Research Council in Milan, informs the Opole University of Technology.

More: https://wu.po.opole.pl/maksymalny-grant-z-nawy/

Medicine and biotechnology