Optical pliers from the Wrocław University of Science and Technology help in the diagnosis of cancer


Dr hab. Eng. Sławomir Drobczyński, Wrocław University of Science and Technology from the Department of Optics and Photonics has developed an advanced optical manipulator system enabling the combination of optical trapping with various microscopic imaging techniques. A properly formed beam of light can catch matter, hold it and move it – this is how optical tongs work.

The apparatus constructed by the scientist from Wrocław is used in an interdisciplinary project financed by the National Science Center, participated by the Medical University of Wrocław and the Institute of Low Temperature and Structural Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

Scientists use optical tweezers and microrobots to study cancer cells undergoing hyperthermia. Their research is to help understand the pathophysiology of cancer cells, but also contribute to the development of effective targeted therapy.

More: https://pwr.edu.pl/uczelnia/aktualnosci/szczypce-optyczne-z-pwr-pomagaja-w-diagnostyce-nowotworow-12127.html

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