Orlen tests innovative air pollution absorbing pavement technology

fot. Orlen Asfalt

The Orlen Research and Development Centre, in cooperation with the Gdansk University of Technology, has developed an innovative asphalt pavement that absorbs air pollution. This is an innovative technology for using asphalt and aggregates recovered from old pavements for road construction and repairs, which will save more than PLN 400 million a year.

Orlen Asfalt is testing a technology designed to make it easier for construction companies to use large quantities of asphalt waste, i.e. asphalt and aggregates recovered from old pavements, in road construction and repairs. Testing of the new material is currently underway on a 1 km long experimental road section laid in Kajkowo near Ostróda.

This solution will prove particularly useful in urban areas, where the concentration of harmful compounds generated by road transport and as a result of burning conventional fuels in heating systems is the highest.

Read more: https://www.orlen.pl/pl/o-firmie/media/komunikaty-prasowe/2023/Grudzien-2023/Ekologiczne-asfalty-w-ORLENIE 

Technical sciences