Ossolineum and University of Wrocław to join publishing forces

fot. Paweł Piotrowski Uniwersytet Wrocławski

The University of Wrocław (UWr) and the Ossolineum will cooperate on joint publishing projects. A letter of intent on cooperation was signed by the Vice-Chancellor for Research at the UWr, Prof Artur Błażejewski, and the Director of the Ossolineum National Institute, Dr Łukasz Kamiński.

It is extremely important for the University of Wrocław and the Ossolineum to carry out joint scientific and popular-scientific publishing projects on Central Europe and to promote mutual understanding between the countries of the region.

In publishing, the Ossolineum and the University of Wrocław are already cooperating, and the latest fruit of this cooperation is the “Leopoldiana Wratislaviensia”, the first issue of which was published this year on the initiative of the Honorary Consul of Austria, Dr Edward Wąsiewicz, and Prof. Edward Białek, a Germanist from the University of Wrocław.

“We want there to be many more publications”, emphasises Prof. Artur Błażejewski.

Read more: https://uwr.edu.pl/ossolineum-i-uniwersytet-chca-laczyc-sily-wydawnicze/

Higher education