Outstanding scientist and inventor returns from the USA to the Gdańsk University of Technology


Dr Eng. Mark Maryański, a graduate of the faculty of technical physics and applied mathematics at the Gdańsk University of Technology, a former lecturer at Yale University and an associate professor of radiation oncology at the Columbia University Medical Center in New York will return to Gdańsk University as part of the Polish Returns program.

Dr Eng. Maryański is an inventor of three-dimensional dosimetry of ionizing radiation based on laser gel phantom tomography, in which radiation-induced polymerization leads to the formation of thermally reversible three-dimensional images that measure the dose of radiation. It is one of the most modern and innovative methods of diagnosing severe diseases, extremely useful in modern medicine.
The purpose of the Polish Returns Program is to enable outstanding Polish scientists to return to the country and take up employment in Polish universities, scientific institutes or research institutes.
More: https://pg.edu.pl/aktualnosci/-/asset_publisher/hWGncmoQv7K0/content/znakomity-naukowiec-i-wynalazca-wraca-z-usa-na-pg

Higher education