Outstanding young scientists of the Silesian University of Technology receive ministerial scholarships 

Fot. Tomasz Kawka/East News, Gliwice, 25.11.2021. Specjalny oczyszczacz powietrza dla szkol powstal na Politechnice Slaskiej w Gliwicach. Naukowcy Politechniki Slaskiej oraz absolwenci uczelni ze startupu WAAM zaprojektowali i wykonali nowy wynalazek - oczyszczacz powietrza przeznaczony dla szkol oraz szpitali. Wynalazek moze byc przydatny w walce z COVID 19. N/z Centrum Nowych Technologii Politechniki Slaskiej.

Four scientists of the Silesian University of Technology received scholarships from the Minister of Education and Science for outstanding young scientists. The winners were selected by experts representing all scientific disciplines. The awarded scientists will receive support of PLN 5,390 per month for 3 years.

The winners are: Dr Dorota Babilas from the Faculty of Chemistry, Dr Małgorzata Włodarczyk-Biegun from the Center of Biotechnology, Agata Gąsowska-Kramarz – a graduate of the Faculty of Architecture – and Dr Witold Adam Ogierman from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.

The laureates received scholarships for outstanding young scientists for their impressive scientific achievements of high prestige and international reach. When assessing the applications, the greatest attention was paid to the measurable effects of a young scientist’s scientific activity in the form of scientific publications and practical applications of the results of research or development works.

More: https://www.polsl.pl/ps_aktualnosci/stypendia-mein-dla-wybitnych-mlodych-naukowcow-ps/

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