Aleksandra Gawron-Szymczyk, a PhD student in the Department of Bronze Age and Early Iron Age Archaeology at the Faculty of Historical and Pedagogical Sciences at the University of Wrocław, will carry out a project ‘Functions of Ceramic Vessels in the Bronze Age in the Light of Interdisciplinary Research’. She was awarded a grant for her research as part of the Preludium competition of the National Science Centre.
The project focuses on understanding the importance of ceramic vessels in everyday life for people living in what is now south-western Poland in the Bronze Age. As part of the research, a series of scientific experiments is planned to produce a reference base of traces of vessel use.
“A great variety of vessel forms can be observed in this period. So far, their presumed function has been determined by their dimensions and shapes. My aim, on the other hand, is to investigate the actual function of specific vessel forms on the basis of microscopic studies and physical and chemical analyses”, says the doctoral student.
Read more: https://uwr.edu.pl/grant-preludium-dla-naszej-doktorantki-z-archeologii/