Researcher from the University of Warsaw laureate of the 9th competition for the Prof. Tadeusz Kotarbinski Award

fot. CKiPR UŁ

Dr Jakub Gałęziowski from the Faculty of Arts and Culture at the University of Warsaw (UW) has become the winner of the 9th competition of the Prof. Tadeusz Kotarbinski First Rector of the University of Łódź Award. The Jury awarded him a distinction for his book ‘Untold Biographies. Polish children born because of war’.

The competition for the Kotarbinski Prize is a great promotion of research, humanities publications and humanities itself. It is the only independent prize of its kind in Poland, awarded to scientists by an academic institution. The competition established by the University of Lodz in 2015 has so far received a total of more than 540 works from 145 Polish scientific centres. 

Jakub Gałęziowski holds a PhD in history from the University of Augsburg and the University of Warsaw. He works on social history, oral history and biographical research. He is interested in ethical aspects and the role of emotions in scientific research.
