PhD student of the Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences joins the European Federation of Animal Sciences


Barbara Kosińska-Selbi, PhD student of the University of Life Sciences in Wrocław, became a member of the Cattle Committee of the European Federation of Animal Sciences (EAAP). The goal of this international non-governmental organization is to improve knowledge and dissemination of research results on pet breeding.

Barbara Kosińska-Selbi is currently a last year PhD student at the faculty of biology and animal husbandry. In her research, she analyzes the genetic structure of selected breeds of dairy cattle.

– My research focuses on the analysis of the structure of entire cattle genomes. I am looking for polymorphisms responsible for various types of features important in terms of the welfare and milk performance of cattle. In recent research, I dealt with the application of association models to determine polymorphisms potentially responsible for diseases of the legs and hooves – says Barbara Kosińska-Selbi.

